Historical Research Library Discover the people, events, and key documents that shaped the Founding Era.
Lafayette on the New US Constitution, 1789 Letter discussing European affairs and the challenges of enacting the US Constitution Supporting Document
Martha Washington on Her New Role as First Lady, 1789 A newsy letter from the First Lady on her travels to New York and her activities in the capital Supporting Document
George Washington’s First Inaugural Address, 1789 Precedent-setting speech that emphasized national unity, civic duty, and the importance of the Constitution, which set the tone for his presidency Key Document
Debate on a National Bank, 1790–1791 Intense deliberations over Hamilton’s proposal for a central bank—highlighting the federal government vs. state government power struggle Event
A Businessman on the Assumption of State Debt, 1790 Facing bankruptcy, a Massachusetts man summarizes the debates on constitutionality and prudence Supporting Document
Petition to Congress for the Abolition of Slavery, 1790 A petition that sparked heated debate and was drastically altered in the House of Representatives Supporting Document
Patrick Henry on States’ Rights, 1790 Letter to the governor of Georgia arguing against federal encroachment on land ownership Supporting Document
A Brief Biography of Benjamin Banneker, 1791 A biographical sketch highlighting Banneker’s achievements as proof of racial equality Supporting Document
Hamilton on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791 Hamilton’s view on the national bank, challenging Jefferson’s view Supporting Document
Jefferson on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791 Jefferson’s opinion on the unconstitutionality of a national bank Supporting Document
Hamilton’s Report on the Subject of Manufactures, 1791 The third part of Alexander Hamilton’s vision for the economy advocated industrialization, tariffs, and government support for infrastructure Key Document
Alexander Hamilton to His Young Son, 1791 A letter to nine-year-old Philip, blending advice and praise Supporting Document