Classroom Benefits
The EduHam program is free and open to students in grades 6–12 anywhere. Students can learn at home with their families or under the supervision of a teacher at school.
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Student Energy and Excitement
Students can demonstrate mastery of the Founding Era in creative ways—in songs, monologues, poetry, and scenes. They choose a topic that excites them and work collaboratively to present it in the classroom.

An Alternative Way to Teach History
When the students choose a topic and creatively present it, the classroom is transformed into a place where students and teachers work collaboratively to accomplish something special.

Unlocking the Meaning of Primary Sources
The Hamilton Education Program curriculum helps students develop literacy strategies for reading complex texts as they analyze primary sources and compare them with Hamilton song lyrics. Students can apply these strategies to any complex text they encounter in the future.

Gateway to the Founding Era
The diversity of people, documents, and events in the research library extends beyond Hamilton to encompass the broader Founding Era. Students discover and nurture their creativity by exploring history through the stories of the people who lived through the American Revolution and the early decades of the new republic.
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What Teachers Say
Students thoroughly enjoy the program and it has truly helped inject more life in the foundations unit of our curriculum.
— 8th Grade Teacher, New York City, NY
It brought life and energy to the Founding Era. In 18 years, I have never seen such student enthusiasm in this course.
— 9th and 10th Grade Teacher, Waterbury, CT