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First Continental Congress, 1774

"First Continental Congress," by Allyn Cox, 1974 (Architect of the Capitol)

"First Continental Congress," by Allyn Cox, 1974 (Architect of the Capitol)

The First Continental Congress was the body of colonial delegates that met in September 1774 to discuss a unified response to the Coercive Acts (or “the Intolerable Acts”). All the colonies except Georgia were represented. Fifty-six delegates met in Philadelphia. The meeting adopted the Suffolk Resolves, sent a Declaration of Rights and Grievances to King George III, and agreed to meet again in a Second Continental Congress in May 1775.

Related Resources

Supplement to the Massachusets-Gazette, September 15, 1774. (Massachusetts Historical Society)

The Suffolk Resolves, 1774

Colonial response to the Intolerable Acts, asserting rights and promoting resistance to British oppression
Supporting Document