Historical Research Library Discover the people, events, and key documents that shaped the Founding Era.
George Washington’s First Inaugural Address, 1789 Precedent-setting speech that emphasized national unity, civic duty, and the importance of the Constitution, which set the tone for his presidency Key Document
Debate on a National Bank, 1790–1791 Intense deliberations over Hamilton’s proposal for a central bank—highlighting the federal government vs. state government power struggle Event
Hamilton’s Report on the Subject of Manufactures, 1791 The third part of Alexander Hamilton’s vision for the economy advocated industrialization, tariffs, and government support for infrastructure Key Document
Bill of Rights, 1791 The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution—hard-fought additions that protect some individual liberties and limit government power Key Document
Whiskey Rebellion, 1794 Pennsylvania farmers violently resisted a federal whiskey tax—illustrating the tensions between frontiersmen and the new government’s authority Event
George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796 Washington’s warning against political divisions and foreign entanglements Key Document
Presidential Election of 1800 A fierce contest between John Adams, Charles Pinckney, Thomas Jefferson, and Aaron Burr that was marked by party polarization and scandal—testing the peaceful transfer of power Event
John Adams A leading proponent of independence, a congressman, a diplomat, and the second President of the United States Person
Aaron Burr Complex and controversial early American politician known for his fatal duel with Alexander Hamilton Person
Nathanael Greene Trusted aide to George Washington known for strategic brilliance and Revolutionary War victories Person
Prince Hall Founder of the first African American Masonic lodge, in Boston, and advocate for abolition and civil rights Person
Alexander Hamilton A poor immigrant from the Caribbean who became a key figure in the Revolution and in establishing the US government Person