Historical Research Library Discover the people, events, and key documents that shaped the Founding Era.
Hamilton-Burr Duel, 1804 A fatal confrontation between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr that stemmed from political and personal animosities and shaped American political history Event
Samuel Adams One of the first Americans to challenge British rule and resist their policies in the 1760s and 1770s Person
Paul Cuffe Black and Wampanoag businessman and shipbuilder who advocated for abolition, civil rights, and African colonization Person
Alexander Hamilton A poor immigrant from the Caribbean who became a key figure in the Revolution and in establishing the US government Person
Philip Hamilton Eldest son of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton who died in a duel defending his father’s honor Person
George III King of Great Britain viewed as a tyrant by colonists and a symbol of imperial rule Person
Patrick Henry A leading figure in the Revolutionary era in Virginia, known for his “Give me liberty or give me death” speech Person
David Humphreys Revolutionary War veteran, poet, and abolitionist who advocated a new, uniquely American literature Person
Belinda, Patty Gipson, Jemima Hunt Little-known figures in the fight for the abolition of slavery Person
Absalom Jones Abolitionist, religious leader, and founder of the first Black Episcopal church in the United States Person
Hercules Mulligan Irish immigrant who befriended Hamilton and served as a spy for Washington in British-held New York City Person
Thomas Paine Author of “Common Sense” and “The Rights of Man” who was influential in the American and French Revolutions Person