Burr’s Coded Letter about the Duel, 1804

Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, ca. 13-21 July 1804 (The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History)
Days after his duel with Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr wrote to Joseph Alston, husband of his daughter Theodosia. Part of the letter is in code. In this letter, Burr discusses the criminal inquiry into his duel with Hamilton in the part of the text that is not in cypher. At the end of the letter, Burr instructs Alston to pass the letter on: “Enclose to Ch. Biddle, Phila.” Charles Biddle was a friend of Burr’s. At 10 a.m. on July 21, Burr left his home at Richmond Hill in Manhattan and traveled to Perth Amboy, New Jersey, finding his way eventually to St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, where he hid out for a few weeks. The grand jury in New York did indict Burr for murder, but the case was never brought to trial. The cyphered part of the letter has not yet been decoded.
A Letter from Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, July 20, 1804
Immediately on the receipt of your letter on finance, I put the thing in a train of inquiry – The person employed has not yet met with success – your name is not used –
The jury Mentioned in my last have adjourned over to Monday Eveg (23d.) – The result will determine my Movements – You perceive that a certain description of federalists and The virulent Clintses. are in perfect harmony – In the estimation of the former, Cheetham is a gentleman and a soldier and Dewitt will probably soon attain similar dignities.
Your letter of the 20 June was particularly grateful ~ The discernment, the frankness and the attachment which it manifests, flatter my pride and affect my heart – I concur fully with your opinions.
~ 5 VIII (-) IV X 5 VII 1 III IV IX made of more V 10 1 5 III IX
II 5 IX 1 VII 8 5 10 VIII IX 7 5 III II (-) VIII 1 10 0. The advice comes with double force
~ The 10 8 IX IX 10 1 4 5 III 2 - being about 20,000 8 III IX 7 8 VIII VIII IX 5 IX 1 VIII IX 5 III 2 0 8 VII II ~
8 0 IX 7 1 8 III VI X 1 VIII IX 4 1 0 IV X III 2, λ 7 5 IX λ IV X 10 2 (-) IV X
2 Y 8 VIII 1 ~ To VIII IX 5 III 2 - To 6 IV IX IV 1, X VII IV V 1 IV VII,
λ 7 5 IX? ~
Enclose to Chs. Biddle, Phila –
J. Alston Esqr
Source: Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, ca. July 13–21, 1804, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, GLC01523
A Letter from Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, July 20, 1804
Immediately on the receipt of your letter on finance, I put the thing in a train of inquiry – The person employed has not yet met with success – your name is not used –
The jury Mentioned in my last have adjourned over to Monday Eveg (23d.) – The result will determine my Movements – you perceive that a certain description of federalists and The virulent Clintses. are in perfect harmony – In the estimation of the former, Cheetham is a gentleman and a soldier and Dewitt will probably soon attain similar dignities.
Your letter of the 20 June was particularly grateful ~ The discernment, the frankness and the attachment which it manifests, flatter my pride and affect my heart – I concur fully with your opinions.
~ 5 VIII (-) IV X 5 VII 1 III IV IX made of more V 10 1 5 III IX
II 5 IX 1 VII 8 5 10 VIII IX 7 5 III II (-) VIII 1 10 0. The advice comes with double force ~
The 10 8 IX IX 10 1 4 5 III 2 - being about 20,000 8 III IX 7 8 VIII VIII IX 5 IX 1
VIII IX 5 III 2 0 8 VII II ~
8 0 IX 7 1 8 III VI X 1 VIII IX IV 0 IV X III 2, λ 7 5 IX λ IV X 10 2 (-) IV X
2 Y 8 VIII 1 ~ To VIII IX 5 III 2 - To 6 IV IX IV 1, X VII IV V 1 IV VII,
λ 7 5 IX? ~
Enclose to Chs. Biddle, Phila–
J. Alston Esqr
Source: Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, ca. July 13–21, 1804, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, GLC01523
Days after his duel with Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr wrote to Joseph Alston, husband of his daughter Theodosia. Part of the letter is in code. In this letter, Burr discusses the criminal inquiry into his duel with Hamilton in the part of the text that is not in cypher. At the end of the letter, Burr instructs Alston to pass the letter on: “Enclose to Ch. Biddle, Phila.” Charles Biddle was a friend of Burr’s. At 10 a.m. on July 21, Burr left his home at Richmond Hill in Manhattan and traveled to Perth Amboy, New Jersey, finding his way eventually to St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, where he hid out for a few weeks. The grand jury in New York did indict Burr for murder, but the case was never brought to trial. The cyphered part of the letter has not yet been decoded.
A Letter from Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, July 20, 1804
Immediately on the receipt of your letter on finance, I put the thing in a train of inquiry – The person employed has not yet met with success – your name is not used –
The jury Mentioned in my last have adjourned over to Monday Eveg (23d.) – The result will determine my Movements – You perceive that a certain description of federalists and The virulent Clintses. are in perfect harmony – In the estimation of the former, Cheetham is a gentleman and a soldier and Dewitt will probably soon attain similar dignities.
Your letter of the 20 June was particularly grateful ~ The discernment, the frankness and the attachment which it manifests, flatter my pride and affect my heart – I concur fully with your opinions.
~ 5 VIII (-) IV X 5 VII 1 III IV IX made of more V 10 1 5 III IX
II 5 IX 1 VII 8 5 10 VIII IX 7 5 III II (-) VIII 1 10 0. The advice comes with double force
~ The 10 8 IX IX 10 1 4 5 III 2 - being about 20,000 8 III IX 7 8 VIII VIII IX 5 IX 1 VIII IX 5 III 2 0 8 VII II ~
8 0 IX 7 1 8 III VI X 1 VIII IX 4 1 0 IV X III 2, λ 7 5 IX λ IV X 10 2 (-) IV X
2 Y 8 VIII 1 ~ To VIII IX 5 III 2 - To 6 IV IX IV 1, X VII IV V 1 IV VII,
λ 7 5 IX? ~
Enclose to Chs. Biddle, Phila –
J. Alston Esqr
Source: Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, ca. July 13–21, 1804, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, GLC01523
A Letter from Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, July 20, 1804
Immediately on the receipt of your letter on finance, I put the thing in a train of inquiry – The person employed has not yet met with success – your name is not used –
The jury Mentioned in my last have adjourned over to Monday Eveg (23d.) – The result will determine my Movements – you perceive that a certain description of federalists and The virulent Clintses. are in perfect harmony – In the estimation of the former, Cheetham is a gentleman and a soldier and Dewitt will probably soon attain similar dignities.
Your letter of the 20 June was particularly grateful ~ The discernment, the frankness and the attachment which it manifests, flatter my pride and affect my heart – I concur fully with your opinions.
~ 5 VIII (-) IV X 5 VII 1 III IV IX made of more V 10 1 5 III IX
II 5 IX 1 VII 8 5 10 VIII IX 7 5 III II (-) VIII 1 10 0. The advice comes with double force ~
The 10 8 IX IX 10 1 4 5 III 2 - being about 20,000 8 III IX 7 8 VIII VIII IX 5 IX 1
VIII IX 5 III 2 0 8 VII II ~
8 0 IX 7 1 8 III VI X 1 VIII IX IV 0 IV X III 2, λ 7 5 IX λ IV X 10 2 (-) IV X
2 Y 8 VIII 1 ~ To VIII IX 5 III 2 - To 6 IV IX IV 1, X VII IV V 1 IV VII,
λ 7 5 IX? ~
Enclose to Chs. Biddle, Phila–
J. Alston Esqr
Source: Aaron Burr to Joseph Alston, ca. July 13–21, 1804, The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, GLC01523