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"Battle of Lexington," engraved by James David Smillie, published by Martin, Johnson, and Co. (Gilder Lehrman Institute)

"Battle of Lexington," engraved by James David Smillie, published by Martin, Johnson, and Co. (Gilder Lehrman Institute)

As an African American soldier, Haynes firmly believed in the ideals of the American Revolution. He wrote this patriotic poem soon after the Battle of Lexington and circulated it in manuscript. It remained unpublished until 1985, when the manuscript was rediscovered.

Excerpts from Lemuel Haynes’s “The Battle of Lexington,” 1775 (published 1985)

Some Seraph now my Breast inspire
whilst my Urania sings
while She would try her solemn Lyre
Upon poetic Strings.

Some gloomy Vale or gloomy Seat
where Sable veils the sky
Become that Tongue that wd repeat
The dreadfull Tragedy

The Nineteenth Day of April last
We ever shall retain
As monumental of the past
most bloody shocking Scene

Then Tyrants fill’d wth horrid Rage
A fatal Journey went
& Unmolested to engage
And slay the innocent

Then did we see old Bonner rise
And, borrowing Spite from Hell
They stride along with magic Eyes
where Sons of Freedom dwell

At Lexington they did appear
Array’d in hostile Form
And tho our Friends were peacefull there
Yet on them fell the Storm

Eight most unhappy Victims fell
Into the Arms of Death
unpitied by those Tribes of Hell
who curs’d them wth their Breath

The Savage Band still march along
For Concord they were bound
while Oaths & Curses from their Tongue
Accent with hellish Sound

To prosecute their fell Desire
At Concord they unite
Two Sons of Freedom there expire
By their tyrannic Spite

Thus did our Friends endure their Rage
without a murm’ring Word
Till die they must or else engage
and join with one Accord

Such Pity did their Breath inspire
That long they bore the Rod
And with Reluctance they conspire
to shed the human Blood

But Pity could no longer sway
Tho’ ’t is a pow’rfull Band
For Liberty now bleeding lay
And calld them to withstand

The Awfull Conflict now begun
To rage with furious Pride
And Blood in great Effusion run
From many a wounded Side

For Liberty, each Freeman Strives
As its a Gift of God
And for it willing yield their Lives
And Seal it with their Blood

Thrice happy they who thus resign
Into the peacefull Grave
Much better there, in Death Confin’d
Than a Surviving Slave

This Motto may adorn their Tombs,
(Let tyrants come and view)
We rather seek these silent Rooms
Than live as Slaves to You” . . .


Source: Lemuel Haynes, “The Battle of Lexington” (wr. 1775), printed in Ruth Bogin, “‘The Battle of Lexington’: A Patriotic Ballad by Lemuel Haynes,” William and Mary Quarterly 42, no. 4 (October 1985): 501–504.

Lemuel Haynes’s “The Battle of Lexington,” 1775 (published 1985)

 . . . 3

The Nineteenth Day of April last

We ever shall retain

As monumental of the past

most bloody shocking Scene

 . . . 6

At Lexington they did appear

Array’d in hostile Form

And tho our Friends were peacefull there

Yet on them fell the Storm


Eight most unhappy Victims fell

Into the Arms of Death

unpitied by those Tribes of Hell

who curs’d them wth their Breath


The Savage Band still march along

For Concord they were bound

while Oaths & Curses from their Tongue

Accent with hellish Sound


To prosecute their fell Desire

At Concord they unite

Two Sons of Freedom there expire

By their tyrannic Spite


Thus did our Friends endure their Rage

without a murm’ring Word

Till die they must or else engage

and join with one Accord


Such Pity did their Breath inspire

That long they bore the Rod

And with Reluctance they conspire

to shed the human Blood


But Pity could no longer sway

Tho’ ’t is a pow’rfull Band

For Liberty now bleeding lay

And calld them to withstand


The Awfull Conflict now begun

To rage with furious Pride

And Blood in great Effusion run

From many a wounded Side


For Liberty, each Freeman Strives

As its a Gift of God

And for it willing yield their Lives

And Seal it with their Blood


Thrice happy they who thus resign

Into the peacefull Grave

Much better there, in Death Confin’d

Than a Surviving Slave


This Motto may adorn their Tombs,

(Let tyrants come and view)

We rather seek these silent Rooms

Than live as Slaves to You


Source: Lemuel Haynes, “The Battle of Lexington” (wr. 1775), printed in Ruth Bogin, “‘The Battle of Lexington’: A Patriotic Ballad by Lemuel Haynes,” William and Mary Quarterly 42, no. 4 (October 1985): 501–504.


effusion - the escape of fluid


As an African American soldier, Haynes firmly believed in the ideals of the American Revolution. He wrote this patriotic poem soon after the Battle of Lexington and circulated it in manuscript. It remained unpublished until 1985, when the manuscript was rediscovered.


Excerpts from Lemuel Haynes’s “The Battle of Lexington,” 1775 (published 1985)

Some Seraph now my Breast inspire
whilst my Urania sings
while She would try her solemn Lyre
Upon poetic Strings.

Some gloomy Vale or gloomy Seat
where Sable veils the sky
Become that Tongue that wd repeat
The dreadfull Tragedy

The Nineteenth Day of April last
We ever shall retain
As monumental of the past
most bloody shocking Scene

Then Tyrants fill’d wth horrid Rage
A fatal Journey went
& Unmolested to engage
And slay the innocent

Then did we see old Bonner rise
And, borrowing Spite from Hell
They stride along with magic Eyes
where Sons of Freedom dwell

At Lexington they did appear
Array’d in hostile Form
And tho our Friends were peacefull there
Yet on them fell the Storm

Eight most unhappy Victims fell
Into the Arms of Death
unpitied by those Tribes of Hell
who curs’d them wth their Breath

The Savage Band still march along
For Concord they were bound
while Oaths & Curses from their Tongue
Accent with hellish Sound

To prosecute their fell Desire
At Concord they unite
Two Sons of Freedom there expire
By their tyrannic Spite

Thus did our Friends endure their Rage
without a murm’ring Word
Till die they must or else engage
and join with one Accord

Such Pity did their Breath inspire
That long they bore the Rod
And with Reluctance they conspire
to shed the human Blood

But Pity could no longer sway
Tho’ ’t is a pow’rfull Band
For Liberty now bleeding lay
And calld them to withstand

The Awfull Conflict now begun
To rage with furious Pride
And Blood in great Effusion run
From many a wounded Side

For Liberty, each Freeman Strives
As its a Gift of God
And for it willing yield their Lives
And Seal it with their Blood

Thrice happy they who thus resign
Into the peacefull Grave
Much better there, in Death Confin’d
Than a Surviving Slave

This Motto may adorn their Tombs,
(Let tyrants come and view)
We rather seek these silent Rooms
Than live as Slaves to You” . . .


Source: Lemuel Haynes, “The Battle of Lexington” (wr. 1775), printed in Ruth Bogin, “‘The Battle of Lexington’: A Patriotic Ballad by Lemuel Haynes,” William and Mary Quarterly 42, no. 4 (October 1985): 501–504.


Lemuel Haynes’s “The Battle of Lexington,” 1775 (published 1985)

 . . . 3

The Nineteenth Day of April last

We ever shall retain

As monumental of the past

most bloody shocking Scene

 . . . 6

At Lexington they did appear

Array’d in hostile Form

And tho our Friends were peacefull there

Yet on them fell the Storm


Eight most unhappy Victims fell

Into the Arms of Death

unpitied by those Tribes of Hell

who curs’d them wth their Breath


The Savage Band still march along

For Concord they were bound

while Oaths & Curses from their Tongue

Accent with hellish Sound


To prosecute their fell Desire

At Concord they unite

Two Sons of Freedom there expire

By their tyrannic Spite


Thus did our Friends endure their Rage

without a murm’ring Word

Till die they must or else engage

and join with one Accord


Such Pity did their Breath inspire

That long they bore the Rod

And with Reluctance they conspire

to shed the human Blood


But Pity could no longer sway

Tho’ ’t is a pow’rfull Band

For Liberty now bleeding lay

And calld them to withstand


The Awfull Conflict now begun

To rage with furious Pride

And Blood in great Effusion run

From many a wounded Side


For Liberty, each Freeman Strives

As its a Gift of God

And for it willing yield their Lives

And Seal it with their Blood


Thrice happy they who thus resign

Into the peacefull Grave

Much better there, in Death Confin’d

Than a Surviving Slave


This Motto may adorn their Tombs,

(Let tyrants come and view)

We rather seek these silent Rooms

Than live as Slaves to You


Source: Lemuel Haynes, “The Battle of Lexington” (wr. 1775), printed in Ruth Bogin, “‘The Battle of Lexington’: A Patriotic Ballad by Lemuel Haynes,” William and Mary Quarterly 42, no. 4 (October 1985): 501–504.


effusion - the escape of fluid

Related Resources

Lemuel Haynes (Library of Congress)

Lemuel Haynes

African American clergyman and Revolutionary War veteran known for his writings on racial equality