Historical Research Library Discover the people, events, and key documents that shaped the Founding Era.
Preamble of the Free African Society, 1787 The goals of a mutual aid society founded by and for African Americans in Philadelphia Supporting Document
Poor Richard’s Almanac Benjamin Franklin’s annual publication offering wisdom, proverbs, and practical advice Supporting Document
Benjamin Franklin on Founding Schools in Philadelphia, 1750 A proposal for practical, secular education Supporting Document
George III’s Proclamation of 1763 Proclamation restricting colonial westward expansion to prevent conflict and control land speculation Supporting Document
The Stamp Act, 1765 A tax on printed materials imposed by Britain on American colonies—sparking widespread protest and contributing to revolutionary sentiments Key Document
Instructions to Boston’s Representatives, 1768 Appeal to Boston’s representatives in the General Court of Massachusetts to investigate British actions Supporting Document
Paul Revere’s “The Bloody Massacre,” 1770 An effective piece of propaganda that turned a skirmish into a massacre Supporting Document
The Case of Capt. Thomas Preston of the 29th Regiment, 1770 The British military officer’s defense against charges of murder stemming from the Boston Massacre Supporting Document
Deposition of Theodore Bliss, 1770 Eyewitness testimony shedding light on the Boston Massacre Supporting Document
Phillis Wheatley’s Poem on Tyranny and Slavery, 1772 An eloquent condemnation of oppression and slavery, written for the British secretary of state for the colonies, showcasing Wheatley’s literary talent, and advocacy for freedom Supporting Document
Samuel Adams on the Gaspee Incident, 1772 Newspaper article, secretly written by Adams, arguing for the right to local juries for colonists who burned a British ship Supporting Document
A Sermon Preached at an Execution, 1772 A widely read sermon that was delivered at the execution of an American Indian sailor Supporting Document